Friday, July 17, 2009

City Varsity Cape Town Photography Course Review:

If you’ve been thinking of going to City Varsity in Cape Town to study photography in the near future, think again. First of all is this course not even up to date. The so-called studio that they run over there is a complete mess, broken backdrops unpacked equipment and a studio lecturer older as your grandmother.
It is a Professional Photography 2 year Diploma course about photojournalism, fine art and studio work. I will never employ someone who studied at City Varsity, because the course definitely is not professional.
All the lecturers are extremely lazy, always late, so be prepared to wait for them a lot. The so-called head of department, Jenny Altschuler, is barely ever at the Varsity. And her mood-swings are really difficult to keep up with. To be quite honest, Jenny thinks she’s a far better photographer than she really is.
I attended this course for the first year, total hell, and then found a better photographic institution where the lecturer does not want to make more Jenny Altschulers.
So some advice, find the right course for you, by deciding what type of photography you’re into and by doing a bit of research of the school and course you’ll be attending. Hopefully you’ll don’t make the same mistake as I did by attending City Varsity.

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